What is klife?
KLIFE is a Christ-centered, nondenominational ministry dedicated to guiding youth and their families in the journey of discipleship and fellowship. Through activities like weekly small groups, gatherings, mission trips, and special events, KLIFE creates an engaging environment where kids grow in their faith while building lifelong friendships. Here, students learn that following Christ and understanding the will of God for their lives gives them true satisfaction and unending joy. They learn these biblical principles through leaders and peers who truly care about them.
Partnering closely with local churches and families, KLIFE strengthens and equips kids to stand firm in the Lord amidst the challenges they face. Our mission is to foster a supportive network that unites youth across different churches and backgrounds, helping them build Christ-centered relationships that can withstand the pressures of today’s culture. Together, we’re discipling the next generation to be strong in their faith, rooted in truth, and surrounded by the love and support of a Godly community.
Philosophy of Ministry
Our desire to provide a safe environment through gatherings, full of energy, laughter, and fellowship, where Biblical truth is heard, Godly community is experienced and relational equity with students is built as their excitement for the Gospel grows.
Our Small Groups are the “heartbeat” of our ministry & comprised of same-gendered peers that gather on a weekly basis with a trained leader to study Scripture, encourage spiritual growth, promote accountability within the group and engage hearts.
Our Small Group leaders are trained to pursue their students not only during small group time, but also seeking out intentional discipleship opportunities to meet students where they are at. This context is often necessary to address the deeper issues students are facing, as well as provide specific gospel centered truth, encouragement and guidance as they share life together.
***all student / leader contact follows our SPP (Student Protection Plan) protocols to ensure appropriate boundaries that promote safe & healthy relationships
Unique House - Unique Location
One of the things that has always been unique to KLIFE is our house. That’s because our house sits directly across the street from the front door of the Highland Park High School. This proximity has made a huge difference in providing the contact, services, and relationships for students. We’re able to have small groups before and after school, with no inconvenience for the student. And since our sports activities are all on campus, we’re able to have many functions for the students before and after events.